What we do

Afroes, short for ‘African heroes’, is a mobile-first enterprise on a mission to position African youth for productive futures by innovating in skills acquisition, engagement and connecting to opportunity. Challenged with high levels of unemployment and social ills, Afroes game-based products equip and connect youth to opportunities, skills and resources. Afroes solutions and digital products are designed alongside our multiple Partners and Clients who are keen to support new innovations in learning and engagement of youth that are effective and scalable across multiple countries. All mobile products are designed to generate useful data and reports that help clients make informed decisions about future engagements. Our content is created, tested and distributed digitally, as well as through a unique network of local youth Representatives, Mobiv8ors, who know their market and are incentivized to ensure maximal reach.
Enterprise Gamification
Afroes builds gamification learning solutions for corporates and brands to deliver on business objectives related to youth customers. Afroes gamified solutions encourage increased motivation and engagement of users in otherwise mundane activities, enhances learning through the experiential nature of gaming and engenders behavioural change. Afroes is currently involved in gamification of financial literacy for clients.
Game Development & Mobile Solutions
Afroes accelerates outreach and learning of beneficiaries of Governments and Social Agencies by developing a suite of interactive and gamified mobile products targeting young people. Afroes has produced a series of award winning mobile and web gaming titles addressing issues ranging from child protection, environmental rights and gender violence. Games are actively sought out by young people who then become advocates among their peers.
Research & Analytics
Essential to valuable product development is rigorous and grounded research designed to address underlying social or business challenges. Afroes is passionate about people-centered research. We keenly understand that research is a means to understanding the target audience, and that it is not the end goal. Our role is to understand the youth market and their context. We strive to comprehensively understand our clients’ industries and the environment in which they operate to design effective products.
Community Engagement & Distribution
Critical to Afroes design process is engagement with communities. Every Afroes solution undergoes a rigorous process of outreach with the target market in multiple geographies. Focus groups and research sessions are held by Afroes facilitators in order to understand user needs and motivations. This community presence and understanding is then leveraged in order to distribute finished products deep into communities that each display unique characteristics.

Winner of PEACEapp
Promote digital games and gamified apps as venues for cultural dialogue and conflict management, 2014
Winner: Gender Mainstreaming Awards
Empowerment Initiatives, South Africa, 2014
Winner: ICT Innovation Award
Gender Youth and Vulnerable Groups, Kenya, 2014
Finalist: World Technology Awards
Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2013
The World Economic Forum Schwab Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2013
3rd Place Winner
Global Forum Dragons Den Prize, 2013
The World Youth Summit Award
Montreal, October 2012
MEFFYs Award
London, September 2012
France, March 2012
Finalist: Mobile Premier Awards
Barcelona, 2012
Finalist: AppCircus Award
August 2011
Fellow Nomination
The Unreasonable Institute in 2011
Cartier Women’s Initiative Award
France, 2010
Meet the Team
Anne Githuku - Shongwe
Founder & CEO
MA in International Development
Anne is the Founder and Chief Mentor. Prior to Afroes, Anne worked for over 20 years as a Senior Advisor with the United Nations (UNDP), as a Consulting Advisor and Management Consultant in the US. Anne is also a Founding member of I WILL GIVE – an African Philanthropy and Director for Pelontle Investments
Agnes Phiri
Partnership & Business Development Manager
BBA, Post Grad. International Development
Agnes is the Partnerships and Business Development Lead at Afroes. She has more than 20 years experience in partnership, communications and business development at local, regional and international level with the United Nations, European Union, Civil Society and Private Sector.
Hazel Sibanda
Finance & Operations Officer
BA in Admin in Progress
Hazel is Afroes Office Manager responsible for all Afroes Financial Management, Procurement, Human Resources and back office systems. Prior to Afroes, Hazel worked as a Project Manager to the W.K. Kellog Foundation
Mxolisi Xaba
User Relationship Manager
LLB in Progress
Mx leads User Engagement and field research in how youth and workers learn in a social context. This unique learning directly informs the experiential design of Afroes learning solutions and creating new digital content formats and platforms. Mxolisi is an experienced researcher and curator of heritage and arts projects.
Mose Karanja
Researcher & Business Manager
BA in Political Science, MA in International Relations, ICT Certificate
Mose is Afroes Manager in Nairobi. He focuses primarily on Afroes research elements in Eastern Africa region and all localisation of Afroes products there.
Jessie Thangana
Finance & Support
Since joining the Afroes team in Nairobi as a financial administrator she has also developed a unique apt for marketing
and distributing – conducting youth sessions from the slums to the suburbs.Despite her background in finance her true passion lies with people and development and believes these are met by working at Afroes